Goodbye, Seasonal Allergies. Hello to Eight Solutions for Seasonal Relief

Tess in the City
4 min readApr 29, 2018
Photo by Taisiia Stupak.

Last year, my allergist gifted me fruit from the tree of knowledge, and the fruit was that I’m allergic to six kinds of trees (surprisingly not including the tree of knowledge). Living in New York where all six of these trees grow and pollinate, you can imagine the pure misery, cloudiness, and puffy eyes that I get to tote around the spring season.

However, I know I’m not alone. I know I walk among many snifflers, coughers, and drowsy, sinus-suffering puffy-eyed folks who are begging for a seasonal shift, and so I’d like to impart the knowledge I’ve found in my years of researching relief because maybe — misery really doesn’t love company.

1) Avoid/Mitigate Triggers
If, like me, you live in an epicenter of allergy misery, it might be wise to abstain from climbing the highest branches of the trees your most allergic to. This means, yes, probably avoiding parks for awhile, but also — if you are able to, avoid going outside as much as possible, keep your shoes nearest the door (and wear slippers or some other non-outdoorsy footwear around the house so as to not trail allergens all around). Don’t forget to shower off allergens before going to bed (see tip 5)!

Photo by Taisiia Stupak.

2) Avoid Imbibing/Eating Drinks/Foods High in Histamines
Here’s looking at you, wines, beers, champagnes, cheeses, and meats. While these foods/drinks are fun (who doesn’t enjoy bubbly?), they are not worth the sinus hell they will trigger. Save your wino needs for another season.

3) Refer to Your Allergist or Local Pharmacist
And get the goods. Consider: Benadryl, Zyrtec, eye drops (for my fellow puffer fish), and more! These babies will carry you through spring allergies to summer allergies (think grass pollen, yippee)!

4) Build Your Immune System
This means parenting yourself — insure that you get an efficient amount of sleep each night, drink enough fluids, and abstain from alcohol and foods that will bring you to your mucous knees.

Photo by Taisiia Stupak.

5) Shower Daily and Nightly
Saving water is important and so is saving your one wild and precious body. If you’re actively going out and about, showering daily and at night can help clear your body of allergens before you rest your head on your pillow and thus curb waking up worse for the wear.

6) Invest in Technology
Consider a pollen app, so you can keep the tabs on when pollen levels are at their highest. I use AllergyAllert which shows a five-day allergy forecast. Also, consider a HEPA air filter. This one literally saved my life last year. Inhalers do not work for me, so when during a heat wave, I couldn’t breathe, I bought one of these filters from Amazon. Within days, I was literally breathing easier.

7) Consider Intermittent Fasting
According to the International Journal of Health Sciences, intermittent fasting can improve and reduce diseases including diabetes and cardiovascular dangers as well as prolong longevity. Some intermittent fasters (who eat within 8-hour spans every day) attest that their longterm lifestyles ward off seasonal allergies. I’ve been trying it this year (along with cutting out even gluten-free grains), and I’m now only using eyedrops for my allergies. Hallelujah!

Oh, Outside World, How I Miss Thee (Photo by Taisiia Stupak).

8) Wait to Leave the House ’til the Afternoon or Evening
Rest assured that you don’t have to be a total hermit when allergy season strikes. Because pollen counts are often highest in the morning, you might be able to leave the house without as severe suffering later in the day. If you have flexibility in your schedule, consider setting any outings for when you’re least likely to get struck by the pollen monster, or as my cousin calls it: The Pollening.

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Got your own methods of beating seasonal misery? Leave your survival go-to’s below in the comments!



Tess in the City

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